ISO 15926-6:2024
Industrial automation systems and integration — Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities — Part 6: Rules for the development and validation of reference data of ISO/TS 15926-4
ISO 15926-6:2024 Files
ISO 15926-6:2024 Scope
This document specifies technical requirements for the structure and content of a reference data library for ISO/TS 15926-4.
NOTE This document can also be applied to reference data libraries other than ISO/TS 15926-4.
The following are within the scope of this document:
— identification of a reference data item as specified in ISO/TS 15926-4;
— information that defines a reference data item;
— the way identifying and defining information is recorded using ISO 15926-2;
— the reference data library that contains the reference data items necessary to record identification and defining information;
— the representation of the reference data library that is defined by this document as a spreadsheet.
The following are outside the scope of this document:
— administrative information about the source, the history of changes, and the current status of a reference data item and a reference data library;
— the way administrative information is recorded using ISO 15926-2;
— the reference data library that contains the reference data items necessary to record administrative information;
— defining the scope of reference data libraries within the ISO 15926 series;
— methods and guidelines for implementing ISO 15926-2;
— procedures for maintaining reference data libraries;
— requirements for the representation of a proprietary reference data library.
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