ISO 28178:2022

International Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 08 September 2022

Graphic technology — Exchange format for colour and process control data using XML or ASCII text

ISO 28178:2022 Files

English 37 Pages
Current Edition
77.28 OMR

ISO 28178:2022 Scope

This document defines an exchange format for colour and process control data (and the associated metadata necessary for its proper interpretation) in electronic form using either XML or ASCII formatted data files. This exchange format maintains human readability of the data as well as enabling machine readability. It includes a series of predefined tags and keywords, and provides extensibility through provision for the dynamic definition of additional tags and keywords as necessary. It is focused primarily on spectral measurement data, colorimetric data, and densitometric data.

This document is intended to be used in conjunction with other standards that will define the required data, and tags or keywords for specific data exchange applications.

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