ISO/TS 19468:2022

International Standard   Current Edition
· Approved on 14 February 2022 ·

Intelligent transport systems — Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems — Platform-independent model specifications for data exchange protocols for transport information and control systems

IT applications in transport
Including EDIFACT and e-commerce
Road transport
Including road transport services

ISO/TS 19468:2022 Files

null Pages
Current Edition

ISO/TS 19468:2022 Scope

This document defines and specifies component facets supporting the exchange and shared usage of data and information in the field of traffic and travel.

The component facets include the framework and context for exchanges, the data content, structure and relationships necessary and the communications specifications, in such a way that they are independent from any defined technical platform.

This document establishes specifications for data exchange between any two instances of the following actors:

—    Traffic information centres (TICs);

—    Traffic control centres/Traffic management centres (TCCs/TMCs);

—    Service providers (SPs).

This document can also be applied for use by other actors, e.g. car park operators.

This document includes the following types of information:

—   use cases and associated requirements, and features relative to different exchange situations;

—   different functional exchange profiles;

—   abstract elements for protocols;

—   data model for exchange (informational structures, relationships, roles, attributes and associated data types required).

In order to set up a new technical exchange framework, it is necessary to associate one functional exchange profile with a technical platform providing an interoperability domain where plug-and-play interoperability at a technical level can be expected. The definition of such interoperability domains is out of scope of this document but can be found in other International Standards or Technical Specifications (e.g. the ISO 14827 series).

This document is restricted to data exchange. Definition of payload content models is out of the scope of this document.

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