GSO ASTM D2700:2024
ASTM D2700:23a
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
25 April 2024
Standard Test Method for Motor Octane Number of Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
GSO ASTM D2700:2024 Files
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GSO ASTM D2700:2024 Scope
1.1 This laboratory test method covers the quantitative
determination of the knock rating of liquid spark-ignition
engine fuel in terms of Motor octane number, including fuels
that contain up to 25 % v/v of ethanol. However, this test
method may not be applicable to fuel and fuel components that
are primarily oxygenates.2 The sample fuel is tested in a
standardized single cylinder, four-stroke cycle, variable compression ratio, carbureted, CFR engine run in accordance with
a defined set of operating conditions. The octane number scale
is defined by the volumetric composition of primary reference
fuel blends. The sample fuel knock intensity is compared to
that of one or more primary reference fuel blends. The octane
number of the primary reference fuel blend that matches the
knock intensity of the sample fuel establishes the Motor octane
number. 1.2 The octane number scale covers the range from 0 to 120
octane number, but this test method has a working range from
40 to 120 octane number. Typical commercial fuels produced
for automotive spark-ignition engines rate in the 80 to 90
Motor octane number range. Typical commercial fuels produced for aviation spark-ignition engines rate in the 98 to 102
Motor octane number range. Testing of gasoline blend stocks
or other process stream materials can produce ratings at various
levels throughout the Motor octane number range.
1.3 The values of operating conditions are stated in SI units
and are considered standard. The values in parentheses are the
historical inch-pounds units. The standardized CFR engine
measurements continue to be in inch-pound units only because
of the extensive and expensive tooling that has been created for
this equipment.
1.4 For purposes of determining conformance with all
specified limits in this standard, an observed value or a
calculated value shall be rounded “to the nearest unit” in the
last right-hand digit used in expressing the specified limit, in
accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
For more specific hazard statements, see Section 8, 14.4.1, 15.5.1, 16.6.1, Annex A1, A2.2.3.1, A2.2.3.3(6) and (9),
A2.3.5, X3.3.7, X4.2.3.1, X4.3.4.1, X4.3.9.3, X4.3.12.4, and
X4.5.1.8. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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