GSO OIML R146-3:2021
OIML R146-3:2016
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
01 July 2021
Protein measuring instruments for cereal grain and oilseeds Part 3: Test report format
GSO OIML R146-3:2021 Files
74 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
GSO OIML R146-3:2021 Scope
In the framework of the OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments applicable to protein
measuring instruments for grain in conformity with OIML R 146:2016, use of this report format is
mandatory, in French and/or in English with translation into the national languages of the countries
issuing such certificates, if appropriate.
Implementation of this Report Format is informative with regard to the implementation
of OIML Recommendation OIML R 146:2016 in national regulations.
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