GSO ISO/TR 9007:2017
ISO/TR 9007:1987
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
03 October 2017
Information processing systems -- Concepts and terminology for the conceptual schema and the information base
GSO ISO/TR 9007:2017 Files
120 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
92.8 OMR
GSO ISO/TR 9007:2017 Scope
To design a conceptual schema, that is, to establish and describe the necessary
propositions of the universe of discourse, the information system designer
starts by observing the selected portion of the world constituting the universe
of discourse and constructing in his mind an abstraction of it, much in the
same way as a scientist, by experiment and analysis, constructs a theory of the
observed phenomena.
As in science, we would normally expect that such an abstraction would be
general enough to encompass many different (preferably all) occurrences of the
same kind of phenomena. This abstraction constitutes propositions that necessarily
hold in all possible entity worlds, just as the theory must hold for the
observed or expected phenomena.
The process of observation, abstraction, and conceptual schema formulation is
usually iterative. This is similar to the scientist's attitude during the
formulation of a theory: further experimentation - that is, observation of the
universe of discourse - is generally required to clarify some aspects of the
Although selection of what is considered to be necessary propositions about the
universe of discourse to be described in the conceptual schema is to a certain
extent arbitrary, as already is mentioned in chapter 1, the systems designer
might consider various factors in deciding the boundary of the the conceptual
An example of a widely accepted and also basic distinction has already been
mentioned in chapter 1. It is the distinction between sentences which represent
general laws and rules to which possible entities in the universe of discourse
have to adhere, and sentences which describe facts about particular entities in
the universe of discourse, following the laws and rules described in the conceptual
schema. The main reasons for this distinction are practical arguments with
respect to the design, implementation and maintenance of the information system,
because some sentences are generalizations (conceptual schema) and others
are specifics (information base). These generalizations have already been
listed in chapter 1, section 1.8, as:
- describing classes (types, variables) in the universe of discourse
rather than individuals (instances),
- describing concepts that are less subject to change rather
than concepts that are changing more frequently,
- inclusion of rules or constraints having wide influence on
the behaviour of the universe of discourse (and therefore on
the behaviour of the conceptual schema and information base)
rather than narrow influence.
The guiding principle in selecting the necessary propositions is that they,
although stating something about the universe of discourse, are convenient in
controlling the consistency of the collection of sentences in the information
base and the permissibility of their manipulation. As already stated in section
1.8 of chapter 1, the following general principles for the conceptual schema
should be observed at all times:
* 100 Percent principle:
All relevant general static and dynamic aspects, i.e. all
rules, laws, etc., of the universe of discourse should be
described in the conceptual schema. The information system
cannot be held responsible for not meeting those described
elsewhere, including in particular those in application
Conceptualization principle:
A conceptual schema should only include conceptually
relevant aspects, both static and dynamic, of the universe
of discourse, thus excluding all aspects of (external or
internal) data representation, physical data organization
and access as well as all aspects of particular external
user representation such as message formats, data structures,
Some justifications and remarks may amplify the two principles:
Most of the general rules of the universe of discourse are currently described
in application programs, if they are described at all. Sometimes such rules are
referred to by the term "validation rules" in the current EDP jargon. In many
situations, more than one update program operates on the same data base. In
this case a single rule has to be described in each application program which
may affect a concrete physical representation of that part of the information
base covered by the rule. This results in a redundant representation of the
rule, which is source for inconsistency among the various "copies" of the rule.
It is obvious that due to such redundancy it is difficult to control, verify,
and maintain a set of interrelated rules. It is even more difficult to detect
contradictions in such a set of dispersed rules.
User update and query languages are becoming available which provide the (end)
user tools to express his requests directly to the machine as opposed to a
professional application programmer who writes the program on behalf of the
employing user. One does not need too much imagination to think of situations
where a user "has no time" to program the rules in his direct instruction of
the machine. This may result in a stream of messages entering the information
base that should not enter. The result is information base pollution. If all
rules are expressed in the conceptual schema, and therefore are controllable by
system functfons independent of users or application programs, then there is no
basis for such pollution.
If all general rules of the universe of discourse are expressed in the conceptual
schema, then it is (much) easier to extend or modffy these rules in a
controlled way as compared to the situation where the rules are scattered over
several application programs. The need for such extension and modification is a
normal thing to expect in practice.
It is easier to understand and to teach information systems design where all
rules are in the conceptual schema, because of the absence of the previously
mentioned kind of redundancy.
A conclusion of the 100 Percent Principle is that a conceptual schema language
must be able to describe any set of general rules, etc. of the universe of discourse
in a conceptual schema. In order to achieve this, some of these rules
may be described in a procedural way while others may be described in a declarative
way. This depends on the present state of the art of formal languages.
The Conceptualization Principle says that the conceptual schema must only and
exclusively include conceptually relevant aspects of the universe of discourse.
Aspects, constructs, or distinctions, which refer to other components
or factors of the information system are not allowed to be part of the conceptual
schema. Such aspects are, for example:
- Representation aspects of data in the user views;
- Aspects of machine efficiency and physical data organization;
- Organizational aspects of the information system.
By focussing on the conceptually relevant aspects, the conceptual schema design
process is relieved of the burden of computer implementation aspects. The
design process is in this way significantly simplified. More precise and accurate
conceptual schemata will be the result of the conceptual schema design
process. Moreover the design processes of the (external) application programs
and the (internal) data storage routines will also be simplified as these can
be limited to the external and internal representation aspects respectively.
Furthermore, by avoiding aspects of machine efficiency and physical data organization
in the conceptual schema, operations at the user interfaces can be made
completely independent of those "interna1" aspects. Thus, reprogramming of
applications in case of physical data reorganizations can be avoided, due to
the "isolating" effect of the conceptual schema.
Finally, the observation of this principle also results in better evolution,
simply because there is no burden of conceptually irrelevant aspects which
could increase the reprogramming effort in cases of conceptual schema changes.
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