GSO OIML R120:2013

OIML R 120:2010
Gulf Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 09 September 2013

Standard capacity measures for testing measuring systems for liquids other than water

GSO OIML R120:2013 Files

Arabic 37 Pages
Current Edition
English 32 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language

GSO OIML R120:2013 Scope

This Recommendation specifies the characteristics of standard capacity measures and describes the methods by which measuring systems for liquids other than water (hereinafter called “measuring systems”) are tested in order to verify that they comply with the relevant metrological requirements in the International Recommendation OIML R 117 Measuring systems for liquids other than water. In points 2 and 3 the metrological characteristics and the calibration methods for standard capacity measures are defined. In points 4 to 12, the methods are given for testing the following typical measuring systems: 1) liquid fuel dispensers (except for LPG), 2) measuring systems on road tankers, 3) measuring systems for the unloading of road and rail tankers, ships’ tanks and tank containers, 4) measuring systems for the loading of road and rail tankers, ships’ tank and tank containers, 5) measuring systems fitted into pipelines, 6) measuring systems for milk. Other types of measuring systems or measuring systems for other kinds of liquids may generally be tested according to one of the above methods. This Recommendation does not apply to measuring systems for liquefied gases (LPG and LNG), cryogenic liquids or liquids having a viscosity above 20 mPa·s. These measuring systems will be covered by separate Recommendations.

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