OS GSO OIML R95:2008
OIML R 95:1990
Omani Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
20 February 2008
Ships tanks - General Requirements
OS GSO OIML R95:2008 Files
18 Pages
Current Edition
15 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
OS GSO OIML R95:2008 Scope
1.1. This Recommendation deals with ships' tanks used either for the transport and measurement of
liquid products in bulk, or for the storage and measurement of the fuel oil used by the ship herself,
that are subject to the control of the National Service of Legal Metrology.
Note: Ships used expressly for the transport of liquid products in bulk are normally known as
1.2. The measurement of the quantities of liquids transported by a tanker is a complex operation and is
generally less accurate than the measurement of liquid quantities in land-based tanks (see Annex 1).
1.3. This Recommendation lays down general requirements for tankers containing quantities subject
to legal measurement. It applies to measurements made in wholesale transactions. When, in a
particular country, barges and lighters are used for the reception and delivery of part loads and for
their measurement, the additional errors that may then occur shall be taken into consideration. It is
possible, in such cases, to specify a "minimum measurable height" (usually 500 mm) or a "minimum
measurable volume", which shall then be mentioned in the calibration certificate.
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