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Showing 1 - 12 from 1,500 Standards Found 1,500 Standards
OS GSO ISO 3386-2:2017
GSO ISO 3386-2:2017 
Omani Standard
Flexible cellular polymeric materials -- Determination of stress-strain characteristics in compression -- Part 2: High-density materials
OS GSO ISO 22476-7:2017
GSO ISO 22476-7:2017 
Omani Standard
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Field testing -- Part 7: Borehole jack test
OS GSO ISO/TR 11773:2017
GSO ISO/TR 11773:2017 
Omani Standard
Global distribution of reference materials
OS GSO ISO 9961:2017
GSO ISO 9961:2017 
Omani Standard
Draughting media for technical drawings -- Natural tracing paper
OS GSO ISO 4954:2017
GSO ISO 4954:2017 
Omani Standard
Steels for cold heading and cold extruding
OS GSO ISO 18203:2017
GSO ISO 18203:2017 
Omani Standard
Steel -- Determination of the thickness of surface-hardened layers
OS GSO ISO/TR 16078:2017
GSO ISO/TR 16078:2017 
Omani Standard
Cast Irons - Classification and designation of casting imperfections
OS GSO ISO 18674-1:2017
GSO ISO 18674-1:2017 
Omani Standard
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Geotechnical monitoring by field instrumentation -- Part 1: General rules
OS GSO ISO/TR 12930:2017
GSO ISO/TR 12930:2017 
Omani Standard
Seismic design examples based on ISO 23469
OS GSO ISO 18097:2017
GSO ISO 18097:2017 
Omani Standard
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations -- Determination of maximum service temperature
OS GSO ISO 22282-6:2017
GSO ISO 22282-6:2017 
Omani Standard
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Geohydraulic testing -- Part 6: Water permeability tests in a borehole using closed systems
OS GSO ISO 5017:2017
GSO ISO 5017:2017 
Omani Standard
Dense shaped refractory products -- Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity