ISO/TR 6029-1:2024

International Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 05 December 2024

Intelligent transport systems — Seamless positioning for multimodal transportation in ITS stations — Part 1: General information and use case definition

ISO/TR 6029-1:2024 Files

English 40 Pages
Current Edition
77.13 OMR

ISO/TR 6029-1:2024 Scope

This document describes use cases related to seamless positioning systems for multimodal transportation in ITS stations. The use cases define the effectiveness of the seamless positioning concept model based on the P-ITS-S to conclude basic PVT service results using available sensors when mobility is moving indoor and outdoor in a network on/off situation. Use cases are provided for each stage in different environments, e.g. indoor, outdoor, tunnel and out-of-network area when travelling starts or ends. Within the use cases, the nomadic device implements a personal ITS station (P-ITS-S) to achieve compatibility with other ITS stations as referenced in this document.

The main purpose of this document is to describe the overall concept model, which specifies:

     the concept model and actors for each domain;

     the relationship of actors under the material domain;

     the message sequence diagrams for each domain; and

     the data transmission list for each actor to provide a seamless indoor and outdoor positioning system through sensor data fusion.

In addition, this document provides:

     basic principles used in its drafting; and

     a gap analysis, consisting of a formal study of:

    the status of seamless positioning technology and implementations,

    how seamless positioning technology intends to evolve, and

    how to close the gap between current and future technology and implementations.

     This document compares desired and actual outcomes and pinpoints opportunities for improvement.

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