ISO 4135:2022
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Vocabulary
ملفات الوثيقة ISO 4135:2022
مجال الوثيقة ISO 4135:2022
This document establishes a vocabulary of terms used for anaesthetic and respiratory equipment and supplies, related devices and supply systems.
NOTE 1 To avoid multiple definitions of the same term in different categories, this document attempts to ensure consistency by the inclusion of a ‘general’ category, and by use of domain specifiers and unique pre-coordinated domain-specific term names.
NOTE 2 In addition to terms and definitions used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French), this document gives the equivalent terms in the German language; these are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany. However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.
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